Other machines, Automatic machines, Custom-made machines
& Custom-made machines 
(Dryer, PLC Control system, Automatic feeder, Classifier, Sieving machine, Inverter motor drives, Gasification process & machine, Agriculture related machine, etc.
Pyrolysis of biomass or tyres, Carbonization process - process & machine, etc).
**We produce the machines by ourselves per your order.
Please contact us for more information concerning machine and system consulting.
Automatic Control System (PLC Based controller, Conveying system, Inverter motor system, etc).
We can set up the factory with full functioned control and supply of equipment and know-how of:-
"Briquetting factory, Mill Factory, Gasification system, Pyrolysis system, Packing system, Automation factory, etc.
Please let us know what you want and we will give you comment and suggestion."
***All machines are produced by ourselves. Full services are available with full support and spare-parts.
We are using only quality parts mainly from Europe and Japan for better reliable and durability of machines.