Briquette making machine (Hydraulic Press Process) 
(VIDEO is at the bottom part of this page)
This THP-01 Hydraulic press machine is designed to make briquette from many different raw materials, such as biomass fiber (coconut, palm, bark, stem), sawdust, rice husk, fine powder, small pieces waste, metal scrap, etc.
THP-01 is made from good quality material, parts, instrument, motor (only reputed Germany or Japanese brands), equipped with computer-based PLC control. The operation is simple and can be used with wide range of condition of raw materials. Crusher and conveyor are proposed with the THP-01 as optional.
Spare-parts are available and always supplied together with the machine.
Large size biomass briquette making by hydraulic press unit with Stone and Metal removal system
SCB Briquette making unit (THP-SCB Series) : Binder-Free compacting machine to make SCB
Most of the small size materials, i.e. sawdust, rice husk, plastic shaving, metal chips, biomass powder or dust, etc, can be compacted into briquette form. Briquette can be used as fuel which gives burning characteristics as similar to coal or other solid fuel.
Briquettes can be used as fuel, not only for household stoves, but also for most every solid combustible burning plant. With our briquetting press machine, your waste will be compacted to reduce its volume to minimum without any additive or binder. Compressed material?s burning characteristics will remain the same because the material is briquetted under high pressure without any binder.
The machine is manufactured totally by ourselves, so you can be confident of full supports, know-how transfer and supplying of spare-parts.
The advantages of installing our machine to make briquette from your material:-
- Adjustable to match with various bulk densities
- Minimum installation costs
- Compact size unit, good mobility
- Full Control by PLC
- Low wearing of parts
- Size of briquette can be custom-made according to your request.
- Low power consumption / Less maintenance required
- Machine can be operated 24 hours per day
- Briquette can be used as fuel in many industries and also normal household (fireplace, stove) as the briquettes are ideally sized for burners and stoves and long burn time.
- Environmentally friendly using our renewable resources
Please contact us for more information. Please let us know your raw material(s), production capacity required, size of briquette, or your ideal budgetary. Then we will get back to you as soon as possible with detailed information.
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VIDEO - This is only 1 types of many types of Hydraulic press machine that we manufacture. Please contact us for more information per your custom-made by order.